Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bush : The next president

Bush won, in a close race. Kerry lost.

I was sure that Bush will win. Many people underestimate the "Re-Born Evengelical" status.
In America, in general people do not want to seen motivated by Religion, but American
politics for Bush is all about Religion & vote bank.

It is clear now that I am going to benefit from reduced taxes. He is going to support Outsourcing so I will have a stable, better and growing job. Not only that but he will start digging oil in Alaska, reducing the oil prices.

But I am not happy.


I am scared that the rights of aspiring citizens like me will not be respected. It is possible
to declare anybody as "terrorist" & put behind the bars. The residency and citizenship process
is going to become more cumbersome and difficult.

The huge budget deficit and lack of investment in universities is alarming. The situation to support universities is not going to change, now. The universities will detoriate further. The stem-cell, nano-technology & biology, all the controversial research areas will get lower attention and support. And, I hope that Bush's team do not update science textbook to remove references to Darwin's theory of evoluation. Overall, the American technical leadership will be reduced significantly.

The only reason I am in America, because I am guranteed of my privacy, my freedom of speech and my religion. This is the main difference between living in India and in America.
My friend John Ash-Croft is going to change all that. The immigration process is going to get
very very difficult and getting Green Card or Citizenship will be more difficult.

The War in Iraq -> a separate situation, will write more later,

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