Thursday, April 24, 2008

Transition Blues #14.5: Living with Parents

Moving to India is something many people are looking for, but very few are prepared to Live with Parents. The struggle one has to go through, is very strange and weird, said and done, the Indians returning from US, are no longer Indians. We all have seen a lot and for us, "Time" is currency and we are willing to Pay for Time. This is where the first struggle starts.

Another situation is that Parents are used to living alone, we are used to live on our terms - specifically in highly automated environment (dishwashers, washing machines). Working together and intermixing the life styles results in interestting issues. For parents, having a clean house, everything organized and not spending "Unnecessary" Money is important, for you time and your indepencence is imporatant. It is very troubling conflict that one needs to be prepared to deal with.

Moreover, the issue about who is the boss, surfaces again! For your family, for your kids, for your wife, the flexibility parents offer is very valueable, but are they willing to adapt is the issue? Are they willing to handle the limitations living with parents put on you is very imporant?

We are adjusting in our family, we do have blow-ups, I would say once in every few months, I blow the lid. I am attemting to control, but I am accepting the fact that I have changed so much, my expectations have changed so much, that I have to live with what I get.

More on this topic later,