Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ten Guidelines for Living Well - From my archives

This is out of Stanford Forgiveness training course. One of the instructor explained about Vipassana, accidently and the attached note about guidelines to live well. I picked up Vipassana and following it for long, but these guidelines are still with me.

1. You will not live forever ... Don't expect to.
2. You are not the center of the Universe... Don't act like it.
3. Your life will not always be easy... Don't whine about it!
4. Your body may hurt at times ... Accept this with care.
5. You will never understand enough about anything... Remain in awe of the mystery.
6. You will sometimes be discouraged ... Don't stop trying!
7. There is incredible beauty everywhere... Constantly look for it!
8. Friends will disappoint you... Forgive them.
9. You will age and grow older... Observe the changes with interest.
10. There is no certainty about tomorrow... Love well today!

I really enjoy the Guideline 5 and 9, they are the new ones than one reads in self-help magzines and books. I always enjoyed the process of getting older and observe the changes. I am so different now than before, it is amazing to see the changes.

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